Tag: learnings

Kittynder - Creating a Tinder-like swipe UI on Vue

June 11, 2019 · 11 min read
This post tells the story of my journey on trying to build a tinder-like user interface and eventually coming up with Kittynder! Tinder for cats.

Creating a Simple Blog Using Vue with Markdown

March 18, 2019 · 9 min read
This post tells the story of my journey on trying to build a tinder-like user interface and eventually coming up with Kittynder! Tinder for cats.

Javascript, The Weird Parts

September 15, 2018 · 32 min read
Javascript is weird, let's get that out of the way. Still, it's not like Javascript is illogical, in fact, most of it's weirdness is a side effect of its power while coping up with programmers' whims. But once you understand why it does what it does, we'll realize that it's not that complex after all. All languages has its own fair share of quirks and nuances that we just have to learn.